
Mergers of functions and teams, as well as changes in reporting relationships in the global unit.

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Change: Reform in a hundred-person global unit, mergers of functions and teams, and changes in reporting relationships.

Why Guidin? Easy and quick to implement. A concrete tool for management and supervisors to wake up to how things are and what to pay attention to. For employees, Guidin offers a genuine opportunity to influence and build community in the midst of a change.

Benefits: We received immediate results after the first survey round together with concrete action proposals from our Guidin coach. We added, among other things, management's presence and occasions for discussions, and received good feedback from the staff right away. The survey also helped us to make critical feedback visible.

The results are not always pleasant to read, but taking the necessary actions is extremely straightforward. A change that does not evoke emotions is not a change at all. When this is accepted, change can be effectively led focusing on the most important emerging issues.

Ville Tuulos

Business Director


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